Project Description
Evangelical lutheran church
Church in Malá Bara was built on a hill on the outskirts of the village. From distinct manifestations of Romanesque architecture was found that the 13th century has been preserved brickwork. In the mid-14th century the church first time passed significant modifications. The church belongs to the Reformed Christian Church and still used for liturgical purposes.
Interesting fact: The prismatic tower, which served not only as a bell tower, but apparently also for military purposes.
The church is registered in the Central list of cultural monuments SR
In 1989, archaeological research was conducted in exterior and in 1990 in the church interior was researched. The church is a protected cultural monument, is registered in the Central list of cultural monuments of Slovakia. On the south wall of the Romanesque part of the nave were found fresco paintings, capturing the scene of the Last Judgment.
The tower probably served for military purposes
In 1989, archaeological research was made in the exterior, and in 1990 was made the church’s interior.